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Jun 12, 2018

On June 2018, PESA MEDIOAMBIENTE, according to the resolution of AUGAS DE GALICIA’s contracting authority, was awarded the contract forthe Preparation of the Project and Execution of the Work for the EXTENSION of RIANXO’s WWTP, in A CORUÑA, as part of the UTE PESA MEDIOAMBIENTE, S.A.U. Y SA DE OBRAS Y SERVICIOS COPASA, S.A.

The objective of the works is to adapt the treatment capacity of the current WWTP to the real needs of the municipality and to solve the problems derived from both the excessive volume of wastewater generated in the network and its pollutant load, caused above all by discharges from the canning industries.

Once the work is completed, the new treatment plant will serve 23,163 inhabitants, compared to the 9,000 for which the current plant is designed.

To achieve this double improvement, both in treatment capacity and efficiency, the joint action includes the construction of a rising main, the extension of the WWTP itself and the construction of new drainage pipes. Specifically, two independent water treatment lines will be built (each of which will receive half the flow that can be treated by the facility), and there will also be a common pre-treatment line.

The execution of the work on the two treatment lines will be carried out in different phases, which will ensure that the current WWTP will be operational at all times.

This action is intended to provide a solution to the problems currently faced by the treatment plant, due to the infiltrations detected, the faults in the operation of the pumps and the industrial discharges into the network and the water environment. For this reason, the need to expand the capacity of the treatment system was established as one of the priorities of the Rianxo town council.