(+34) 91 579 96 80 info@pesa-ma.com


Free audit

First of all: to know the needs and objectives of our clients.

Specially designed for industrial clients, we start our projects with a prior assessment of water treatment needs and improvement potentials.

By means of interviews and questionnaires, we acquire a detailed knowledge that allows us to offer an economic solution, with guarantees and adapted to each case.

  • Qualitative (e.g. environmental policy, brand image, etc.) and quantitative motivations of the project (e.g. savings plan, capacity expansion, etc.).
  • Definition of priorities
  • Available budget (CAPEX)
  • Desired maintenance level: from technical assistance to operation outsourcing


Project and installation study

In the event that a technical project already exists, we study in detail the projected solutions and applicable regulations and, if appropriate, we evaluate the introduction of improvements leading to savings in the construction and operation of the plant, complying everywhere with environmental regulations.

Likewise, in those projects developed on already existing installations, we carry out an inspection of the same, as well as a study of the historical operation data.

  • Historical and administrative processing
  • Inspection
  • Analysis of current parameters and applicable regulations


Diagnosis and pre-supply

Based on the information gathered, we perform an initial design of the water treatment solution.

In those cases in which it is convenient to complete the available information to assure an optimal, reliable and economic design that fulfills the expectations of our clients and the environmental regulation, we will recommend the accomplishment of an analytical campaign and/or installation of a pilot plant with the objective of reducing the uncertainty.

  • Recommendations and initial assessment
  • PFD (Process Flow Diagram)
  • Evaluation of the need for a pilot plant and/or analytical campaign (*)


Agreement on results, design factors and target yields

The information gathered and the detailed knowledge of our clients’ objectives allow us to be in a position to offer the most suitable solution that responds to the needs of water treatment.
(*) Cost prior to the construction project, which will be deducted from the amount of the final solution.