(+34) 91 579 96 80 info@pesa-ma.com



Project financing

Project financing

With extensive experience in project finance as well as leasing and rental solutions, PESA Medioambiente can help you find the optimal financing formula according to the requirements of your water treatment project.

BOOT and concessions

PESA Medioambiente, within the COPASA infrastructure group, participates in concession and BOT projects covering the entire life cycle of the projects, including the financing, design, construction, operation and maintenance of networks and water treatment facilities.

These integrated treatment solutions have numerous advantages for our customers, both administrations and industries:

  • reduction/elimination of the initial investment in the installation and works, as they are partially or totally financed
  • construction and operational risk transfer to PESA Medioambiente
  • transparency in the structure of water treatment costs and their evolution over the duration of the contract
  • optimisation of treatment costs (OPEX and CAPEX), the main objective in the design phase of treatment facilities.
  • presence in the plant of an experienced operator, with the possibility of implementing the best practices, our know-how and the latest advances in water treatment throughout the useful life of the installation.

For projects of a certain magnitude, specific Project Vehicle Companies (PPVs) are usually created, which finance water treatment actions from contributions from PESA Medioambiente and/or the COPASA group and from bank debt.

Rental and leasing

For certain projects PESA Medioambiente can offer rental and leasing solutions for water treatment facilities. In these cases, it is also possible to incorporate the operation and maintenance of the plant.

VITA – Integral vision of water treatment

Instead of a segmented solution, in which design and project, construction and operation are contracted separately, PESA Medioambiente can literally take care of everything. In this way, we enable our private clients to focus on their business and, in general, an optimal transfer of risk.

In these cases, a tariff structure is usually used with a fixed component and a variable component, linked to the volume of water supplied or treated and the levels of service.

Do you have challenges with wastewater treatment?

Contact us to learn more about our wastewater treatment solutions, or to discuss your next project with our experts.